Terrell, Senior Mechanical Engineer, U.S. Army Aberdeen Test Center
Who are you?
My name is Terrell and I am one of the Senior Mechanical Engineers at the U.S. Army Aberdeen Test Center
What do you do?
As a senior mechanical engineer for the Engineering Design & Development Branch, I provide indirect test support for all of our command’s test commodities through the development & analysis of mechanical instrumentation & procedure. In particular, I ensure that structural & physical analyses are performed adequately through the use of CAD software FEA or good old fashioned hand calcs. On a non-technical level, I provide guidance & leadership to both junior employees and my peers, pulling from my own personal experiences and my engineering education. It is easy for less experienced engineers to get bogged down by design details so pulling them back to see the bird’s eye view can be immensely helpful.
What do you enjoy most about your job at ATEC?
Since I was lucky enough to start working here under a student program program, I was able to learn about the fundamentals of engineering in a classroom setting and then apply them in the real world. Being able to directly apply my education to meaningful work has been and will probably be the highlight of my career here. And the work itself constantly surprises me in its breadth and complexity. From analyzing the dynamic structural capacity of the Bridge Crossing Simulator to redesigning and standardizing electrically fired breeches for light armor testing, there are always interesting challenges waiting.
Micke, Senior Scheduler, U.S. Army White Sands Missile Range
Who are you?
My name is Micke and I am a Senior Scheduler at the White Sands Missile Range Scheduling Office.
What do you do?
Simply put, I schedule everything that happens at White Sands Missile Range. My office coordinates all requirements for Range Operational Test Support resources. They include but are not limited to: All Range Instrumentation, Airspace, Roadblocks, Frequencies and Launch/ Impact areas. I also provide advice and assistance to Test/Project Officers from DoD, other Government agencies, Foreign Allies, as well as, private industry.
I also work with Fort Bliss and Holloman Air Force base in the scheduling of Joint Airspace/Land usage and help with the evacuation coordination with the White Sands National Park and the surrounding Ranchers to evacuate their land to support testing.
Finally, I am the Lead Trainer and Software Coordinator for the WSMR Test Center Scheduling Tool, TRMS-Test Resource Management System.
What do you enjoy most about your job at ATEC?
My favorite part of the job is working with the people who support the Test or Training event that is being scheduled. The knowledge that is shared between the Test Officer/ Project Officer and all the Range Resources can be very interesting. Many people do not understand all the time that is spent in the planning of an event on WSMR. They just see the final product. I get to experience this knowledge as we work with everyone to safely schedule a Test event.
When I talk to people who do not know anything about White Sands Missile Range. I explain to them that I schedule everything that happens at WSMR. Oh, they say it is all about the ‘missiles’ right? This just opens up the total conversation about all what happens at WSMR and I get to boast about the people and resources it takes to conduct a test. At the end of the conversation, they just go, “WOW! I just did not know that all happens at the White Sands Missile Range!”

Nipuna, Computer Engineer, U.S. Army Redstone Test Center
Who are you?
I am Nipuna and I am a Computer Engineer for the U.S. Army Redstone Test Center
What do you do?
I build various software tools to parse, view and analyze various Army imagery systems. I also need to learn how Limited Interim Missile Warning System (LIMWS) and Common Infrared Countermeasures (CIRCM) type imagery systems work in order to build the necessary software tools. Additionally, I work closely with the prime contractors and the program office in understanding the issues with data, data messaging and data visualization since critical decisions need to be made on time while parsing through a large amount of information. I also get to support some of the firmware (FPGA) and Printed Circuit Board (PCB) designs since our team develops recorders for high speed data intensive Army weapons systems.
What do you enjoy most about your job at ATEC?
The best part of working for RTC is being able to do hands on work. I was able to increase my understanding of sensor systems as well as understanding how some of the complex algorithms work. I also get to increase my software development skills while supporting this work. The other important aspect is the amount of exposure I get to hardware designs. Although I haven’t done complex PCB or firmware designs, I am able to incrementally increase my hardware understanding by working for RTC. Therefore, working for RTC has made me a more versatile engineer.
Linda, Acquisition Analyst, U.S. Army Operational Test Command
Who are you?
I see myself as a caring person, committed and passionate to helping others achieve their mission. I am purposely dedicated and enthusiastically give my all to ensure others have what they need to be successful. I care about the OTC mission, but more importantly, the people who make it happen! Finally, I believe laughter is the best medicine and is one of the best feelings in the world so each day I try to inject a little laughter.
What do you do?
By serving as the liaison between the Contractor and Contracting Office, I provide guidance and insight in regards to contract procurement processes; contract documents development, contract relations, regulations, and mentorship. By providing administration and monitoring of contracts awarded under Operational Test Command at the Fort Hood, Texas; Fort Sill, Oklahoma; Fort Huachuca, Arizona; White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico; and Fort Bliss, Texas locations, my passion for customer service and acquisition is rewarding.
What do you enjoy most about your job at ATEC?
My greatest joy is being part of a team/family that produces an end result and knowing that I had a small part in its success. I love watching all the pieces come together from cradle to grave during an operational test. As the saying goes, I love it when a plan comes to together and I was part of that plan. By brainstorming with my peers we find innovative ways to accomplish the mission. We do this on a daily basis and it always challenges me to think creatively. Every day is a new opportunity to learn from my customers and colleagues.